“Canvas 5x5”- Choreographer Tedd Robinson (click)

“Canvas 5x5”- Choreographer Tedd Robinson (click)

“Canvas 5x5” Choreographer Tedd Robinson

“Canvas 5x5” Choreographer Tedd Robinson

“These Versions of Us” Choreographer Heidi Strauss Photo: Jeremy Mimnagh

“These Versions of Us” Choreographer Heidi Strauss Photo: Jeremy Mimnagh

“Stealing Fire” Choreographer Emily Gualtieri Photo: Michelle Doucette

“Stealing Fire” Choreographer Emily Gualtieri Photo: Michelle Doucette

“Our Unfortunate Deaths” Choreographer Sharon Moore (click) Photo: Holly Crooks

“Our Unfortunate Deaths” Choreographer Sharon Moore (click) Photo: Holly Crooks

“Our Unfortunate Deaths” Choreographer Sharon Moore Photo: Holly Crooks

“Our Unfortunate Deaths” Choreographer Sharon Moore Photo: Holly Crooks

“Sorrows” Choreographer Estelle Clareton (click) Photo Holly Crooks

“Sorrows” Choreographer Estelle Clareton (click) Photo Holly Crooks

“Envy” Choreographer Suzanne Chui

“Envy” Choreographer Suzanne Chui

“You Tackle a Staircase Face On” Choreographer Lesandra Dodson Photo: Holly Crooks

“You Tackle a Staircase Face On” Choreographer Lesandra Dodson Photo: Holly Crooks

“Wild Within” Choreographer Sara Coffin Photo: Kevin MacCormack

“Wild Within” Choreographer Sara Coffin Photo: Kevin MacCormack